The 'best' part of it was when i failed a particular course over and over again due to a very careless mistake i was making over and over again , it broke me down, made me cry but suprisingly stronger, yes, STRONGER!
I never knew there was a part of me that could be strong in the face of adversity and challenges and would never compromise no matter what. I always saw myself as a strong person ("miss independent" as i was called during my school days ) but one part of me refused to hide: my very blunt perasonality ,hmmmm. I remember crying just because i heard of my failure for the second time ,yes!a second time and a classmate saying:" abeg this my p is far better than those resitting over and over again",but it was just the push i needed to be stronger and prepare for the sweet taste of victory and hence this beautiful smile and recite this beautiful poem;

Allow me to try and fail but not fail to try
Aim high but not yet reach the skyline
Even thou things may not go right, bright days turn into dark night
I'll keep growing strong till I find my armoured knight.
I wont give up
As tears stream down like on my window pane
I wont let my thoughts go astray
I will take another chance, another leap of faith
Until this dream of mine is uncaged
Even when life throws its twists and turns
Through pitfalls and sea saws, there are things on learns
I'Il persist on even as the pace seem slow
As I know success will come within another blow
Success is failure turned inside out
It will come after I conquer my doubts
Break free and take on a new lease on life
For failure is just success wrapped up tight
So allow me to try and fail but not fail to try
Because soon I will reach the skyline
As things go right and each day is a bit bright
I will stand tall and be that armoured knight.
Truly the taste of victory is soooooo SWEET, I'm so loving it
I can boldly say :i came, i saw and definitely conquered this
Lets raise our glasses for a toast to victory and sucess
This is Good .....Sis.
ReplyDeleteThough, I can rarely tell my Left-hand from my Right-hand when it comes to Poems.