Sunday, 16 August 2015


We got the mail, we got broadcasts,there were fliers announcing the date and warning everyone to be prepared.some were prepared,some were extra prepared while some forgot-i was one of them!
 I came home and turned the tap to wash my hands(lessons from Ebola) and there was no water! It had happened. I felt it more because I had just come in from the salon and having a bath would ease the itchy feeling I was having due to the strands of hair that had found their way into my clothes.
I managed to lie down and beg Mr sleep to come while keeping watch for when the pressure from the pipes would wake me up or for the much awaited 0500 hrs whichever happened first but there's was no pressure noise from the pipes and it was way past 05.00hrs.we waited till 12.00hrs,it was still thesame and then it was declared "a state of emergency" officially .it was funny to see people carrying buckets,jerricans and all kinds of containers and some scooping water from any source available just to get water;a resource we always had in abundance and never knew it was going to get to that point as we are considered to be the 'Haves'
At 18:00hrs and no hope in sight,everyone became a beggar for water!yes what's more?people started going to the villagers who used to come fetch water from us for water and unlike other days ,it refused to rain. There was arrangement for a tank to bring water and people had to form a queue and on that queue,there was respect for order not class -first come first serve,maids laughed at their bosses as everyone was carrying buckets some even on their heads and the villagers laughed at them saying"see this big man them  so water fit scarce for them and humble them! "

At 20.00hrs we got the news- there was water and not long after it started raining heavily.funny isn't it? And I learnt another of lifes lesson -never take anyone or anything for granted. Today the 'poor' villagers saved some 'bigmen' and GOD witheld the rain that we have always seen as a disturbance on a day we needed it .

Life is a lesson!