Draw your friends close but draw your enemies closer. How true are these words?
I knew you for less than a year and it was eventful .All I heard was "sugar" -the tone and smile with which you called Me and everyone else sugar is just something else .
We are yet to come to terms with some of the findings from the investigation of your gruesome murder but what's most heart wrenching is in the fact that people we called acquaintances and helped can actually allow their hearts to be the breeding ground for evil...
The earth lost a man
The heavens gained a soul
No man can create even a strand of hair, so no man can end a life
I choose to believe that it's still God's will and that you are in a better place
All I have been saying is
Why do all good things come to an end so quickly?
Sugar (how sad that it's In death Im calling you this ), I can't even think of one time you said something nasty or got really mad or angry. It was just less than a year of knowing you but it was fun filled ,event full and a blessing.
What do we call such a sudden demise ?
What do we say of the circumstances surrounding this?
What do we call paying good with evil ?
It ain't nothing but THE ENEMIES KISS
wendys Diary
Friday, 10 May 2019
Saturday, 31 March 2018
They say its Good Friday
Jesus died on this day
We rejoice that he rose on the third day
But i just lost someone
Yes, she will arise but not in three days time
Resurrection day is the date
That, for me is a long GOOD NIGHT
I wish i really said good bye
Allow me to shed the tears
Allow me to sob in grief
Allow me to mourn my loss
I just had a BLACK FRIDAY
It hurts ,its sad ...
I, alone understand these tears
I wish i could see you one last time
I wish you had talked to me
I wish i really said Good bye
Memories are coming like flashes
Thoughts so much i cant articulate
I called on mothers day and couldn't speak to you
I had a funny feeling
I had plans to rush home and see you
I prayed for you not knowing you had breathe your last
Oh! death where is your sting?
I wish i really said Good bye
A woman who feared and served GOD wholeheartedly
Her best line, no matter what -JESUS IS LORD
Instead of an abuse ,you always said -JESUS IS LORD OVER YOU
I knew you as a fighter
Part of the trainers God used to mold me
You treated me as if i was your own daughter
Its so hard to accept
I can't question GOD
But i wish i really said Good bye
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
I read this somewhere ;' the worst feeling is not being forgotten, but being forgotten by someone you will never forget'
yes, it is true .
oh! how sad it is to think you mean the world to someone whom you do not even exist in their mind let alone their world . In your head , you have found a friend who doesn't even consider you an acquaintance .You tell everyone who cares to listen that you have found 'LOVE'.
BBM status changed, whatsapp display picture changed ,on twitter, instagram and all social networks you are on you become the trending love doctor cum relationship expert.
And to everyone around , mother luck has finally smiled on you! with each day, all kinds of advise flow in on how it is a womans duty to build a home and how patience is the bedrock for any successful relationship and how endurance must be a the accompanying virtue to patience .
The first quarrel and argument and you still say to yourself 'this must work' even though the other party shows no remorse or repentance , the second, third... finally, your sense of reasoning must have been clouded with this fantasy you think is love.
This is all the effect of the 'MARRY BEFORE 30 CRAZE'
To make matters worse he comes home for 'introduction' and becomes a known face in your house suddenly, over the flimsiest of all excuses , HES NO LONGER INTERESTED!!!
I ask - where is the love?is it that easy to forget someone you truly love? how is it that after all the sacrifices and pain it suddenly crumbles? and those small small mistakes now become a very bigggggggg issue ?
yes, not all relationships lead to an happily ever after but when it doesn't work out , i ask is it true that someone you once loved can be easily forgotten ???
Any way, true love never dies but maybe in this case ,you were the only one in love .
It's hard ,but you have to say GOODBYE, MY FORGOTTEN LOVE
It's hard ,but you have to say GOODBYE, MY FORGOTTEN LOVE
Sunday, 16 August 2015
We got the mail, we got broadcasts,there were fliers announcing the date and warning everyone to be prepared.some were prepared,some were extra prepared while some forgot-i was one of them!
I came home and turned the tap to wash my hands(lessons from Ebola) and there was no water! It had happened. I felt it more because I had just come in from the salon and having a bath would ease the itchy feeling I was having due to the strands of hair that had found their way into my clothes.
I managed to lie down and beg Mr sleep to come while keeping watch for when the pressure from the pipes would wake me up or for the much awaited 0500 hrs whichever happened first but there's was no pressure noise from the pipes and it was way past 05.00hrs.we waited till 12.00hrs,it was still thesame and then it was declared "a state of emergency" officially .it was funny to see people carrying buckets,jerricans and all kinds of containers and some scooping water from any source available just to get water;a resource we always had in abundance and never knew it was going to get to that point as we are considered to be the 'Haves'
At 18:00hrs and no hope in sight,everyone became a beggar for water!yes what's more?people started going to the villagers who used to come fetch water from us for water and unlike other days ,it refused to rain. There was arrangement for a tank to bring water and people had to form a queue and on that queue,there was respect for order not class -first come first serve,maids laughed at their bosses as everyone was carrying buckets some even on their heads and the villagers laughed at them saying"see this big man them so water fit scarce for them and humble them! "
At 20.00hrs we got the news- there was water and not long after it started raining heavily.funny isn't it? And I learnt another of lifes lesson -never take anyone or anything for granted. Today the 'poor' villagers saved some 'bigmen' and GOD witheld the rain that we have always seen as a disturbance on a day we needed it .
Life is a lesson!
I came home and turned the tap to wash my hands(lessons from Ebola) and there was no water! It had happened. I felt it more because I had just come in from the salon and having a bath would ease the itchy feeling I was having due to the strands of hair that had found their way into my clothes.
I managed to lie down and beg Mr sleep to come while keeping watch for when the pressure from the pipes would wake me up or for the much awaited 0500 hrs whichever happened first but there's was no pressure noise from the pipes and it was way past 05.00hrs.we waited till 12.00hrs,it was still thesame and then it was declared "a state of emergency" officially .it was funny to see people carrying buckets,jerricans and all kinds of containers and some scooping water from any source available just to get water;a resource we always had in abundance and never knew it was going to get to that point as we are considered to be the 'Haves'
At 18:00hrs and no hope in sight,everyone became a beggar for water!yes what's more?people started going to the villagers who used to come fetch water from us for water and unlike other days ,it refused to rain. There was arrangement for a tank to bring water and people had to form a queue and on that queue,there was respect for order not class -first come first serve,maids laughed at their bosses as everyone was carrying buckets some even on their heads and the villagers laughed at them saying"see this big man them so water fit scarce for them and humble them! "
At 20.00hrs we got the news- there was water and not long after it started raining heavily.funny isn't it? And I learnt another of lifes lesson -never take anyone or anything for granted. Today the 'poor' villagers saved some 'bigmen' and GOD witheld the rain that we have always seen as a disturbance on a day we needed it .
Life is a lesson!
Friday, 31 July 2015
It's been ringing in my head since sunday; that song by the dynamites#akpo aza .THat song brings back memories and also reminds me of God's faithfulness .while listening to it ,I was smiling and even nodding my head and a colleague asked "what could be soo interesting?". She may not understand but I know how that song was an anthem for my aunt ,how she sang it and cried ,how she will say" chi,you are leaving ,who will stay with me now?you know I have no child."
That wasn't a funny or interesting period but our human eyes couldn't visualise what God had in stock and naive me kept wondering why she seemed to like crying but I later understood her pain and we told God to make her stop crying especially on Sundays.yes, she cried more on Sunday and her reason was that she Will go to God's house and see him bless others evident in their testimonies yet,she wasn't partaking of the blessings.
Today,she's a proud mother of two sets of twins (two boys and two girls).funny thing then was I kept hearing she would have twins as confirmed by a friend too but I didn't share with her because I didn't like discussing children or anything I felt would remind her of the pain.
But#akpoaza kept his words and proved he's God. He expanded them financially and then brought his gift of marriage (children)
God knows better but we most times want whatever it is we need so fast and think because its not happening then he's forgotten . No !he hasnt .
If there's a man to call,there's a God to answer
#akpo aza .
I love this my God!
That wasn't a funny or interesting period but our human eyes couldn't visualise what God had in stock and naive me kept wondering why she seemed to like crying but I later understood her pain and we told God to make her stop crying especially on Sundays.yes, she cried more on Sunday and her reason was that she Will go to God's house and see him bless others evident in their testimonies yet,she wasn't partaking of the blessings.
Today,she's a proud mother of two sets of twins (two boys and two girls).funny thing then was I kept hearing she would have twins as confirmed by a friend too but I didn't share with her because I didn't like discussing children or anything I felt would remind her of the pain.
But#akpoaza kept his words and proved he's God. He expanded them financially and then brought his gift of marriage (children)
God knows better but we most times want whatever it is we need so fast and think because its not happening then he's forgotten . No !he hasnt .
If there's a man to call,there's a God to answer
#akpo aza .
I love this my God!
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
My dear people ,
Its one of those days when i count my many blessings and think of how great God has been. i remember saying '' happy new year " with a very funny thought of ; "at least i never die". Days later i write my heap of prayer points expecting God to do the miraculous but expecting it come as magic(just like that). I also remember saying to my emmy that" if God doesn't do this before march he should leave me ooo, afterall hes just there looking at me". i think i made this comment to a number of people but my mum was quick to hush me saying " you sound as if God is a magician".
i will never forget that night because God decided to break the silence and the message was captured
suddenly, my friend comes home to tell me about an interview and even the rain couldn't hold us back, we came home happy though i was confused because i got another offer hmmmmmm!
Now i have to choose and trust me , i made that choice by Gods grace before march!
Is this not God at work? How could i have forgotten that i belong to a family where God is at work : saving, healing and making many mighty and this babe ( wendy) is one of the mighty men of our time
Its one of those days when i count my many blessings and think of how great God has been. i remember saying '' happy new year " with a very funny thought of ; "at least i never die". Days later i write my heap of prayer points expecting God to do the miraculous but expecting it come as magic(just like that). I also remember saying to my emmy that" if God doesn't do this before march he should leave me ooo, afterall hes just there looking at me". i think i made this comment to a number of people but my mum was quick to hush me saying " you sound as if God is a magician".
i will never forget that night because God decided to break the silence and the message was captured
suddenly, my friend comes home to tell me about an interview and even the rain couldn't hold us back, we came home happy though i was confused because i got another offer hmmmmmm!
Now i have to choose and trust me , i made that choice by Gods grace before march!
Is this not God at work? How could i have forgotten that i belong to a family where God is at work : saving, healing and making many mighty and this babe ( wendy) is one of the mighty men of our time
Wednesday, 20 November 2013

It is one of the few months in this year that i looked forward to, if i knew what it had for me maybe my expectations would have been less. 1st of November i was busy both physically and psychologically as i was expected to come do some things in anticipation for the "big one"while earnestly waiting and praying for the safe arrival of my sweetheart (i missed that last minute call because i had to obey office ettiquette; making the wait longer)
2nd of November, wooow after rolling from one end of my bed to another, i got the call, yaaaaaaay! my sweetheart was here but, alas!my goodie bag was missen! awwwwww, what a twist
3rd of November, its thanksgiving sunday and with all my heels , make up and the look of a small goddess to go thank baba God despite loosing my goody bag the day before , the usuall thunderous bonny rain starts. In my determination to go to church, i go for a change of clothes for something simpler and my rubber sandals(devil ntooo !i get plan b) and after dancing all the skelewu,azonto,etighi and swooo for Jesus and even sharing my testimony of life
4th November, the Bombshell drops....
its 20th November and i'm still picking the pieces
Hmmmmmmmmmm! i need to take a deep breath now because even as i keep recounting the negative reasons why its been a month to remember ,I AM ALIVE AND WELL so abeg theres HOPE
In all the meaning of my name comes to play
CHINWENDU(God owns my life)
IHUOMA(literally it means "fine face" but in the real sense it means FAVOUR)
CHIAMAKA(my God is ssoooooooooooo Good)
GWENDOLINE(WENDY for short; a white angel. Remember angels dont have pains but plans)
So why should i worry when my father is in control now i strongly believe its a November to Remember because the end result will be TESTIMONIES. so if u believe this join me as i thank the king of kings :my lord, father, friend, the alpha and omega , awi ma ye'hun, oba atorise, oyigiyigi, agu ne chemba, ikuku ama n'onya, odogwu, dike n'agha,ubangiji, kabiyesi,tamuno,infact add any other name u call him because he is my all
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